Probability – Probability of Non-Decreasing Numbers on Dice Rolls


A fair die is thrown 4 times. Find the probability that the each number obtained is no smaller than the preceding number.

  1. If all numbers obtained are same, number of such outcomes $$=\dbinom{6}{1}=6$$
  2. If 3 numbers obtained are same, number of ways is equal to the number of ways of choosing any two numbers $=\dbinom{6}{2}$. But these two number can be arranged as $x,y,y,y$ or $x,x,x,y$ where $x<y$. So $$2\times\dbinom{6}{2}$$
  3. If 2 numbers are same, the cases are $a_1<a_2<a_3=a_4$, $a_1<a_2=a_3<a_4$, $a_1=a_2<a_3<a_4$, $a_1=a_2<a_3=a_4$. Number of ways $$=3\times\dbinom{6}{3}+\dbinom{6}{2}$$
  4. if all 4 numbers are different, $$\dbinom{6}{4}$$

Total number of possibilities $=6^4$.

Even though I got the correct answer, is there any shorter method?

Best Answer

Since you are wanting a shortcut method,
count the number of ways $4$ balls can be placed in $6$ bins marked $1-6$, using stars and bars

Note that each of the $\binom{4+6-1}{6-1}$ results thus obtained can yield only one non-decreasing sequence.

A result of $\;\;\fbox{2}\fbox{0}\fbox{0}\fbox{1}\fbox{0}\fbox{1}\;$, e.g. means obtaining $1-1-4-6$ in sequence.

Thus $Pr = \dfrac{\binom95}{6^4}$