[Math] Probability that among 3 random digits two different one


I have been trying to solve the following problem:

What is the probability that among 3 random digits, there appear
exactly 2 different ones?

The formula for no repititions is:


So, for the first digit there are 10 possibilities, for the second 9.
Next, the third digit should be the same as previous two: it is binomial(2,1)
And there are total 10^3 possibilities of ordering with replacement:
My formula is:


But it leads to the wrong answer.
Could you please help me understand where is my mistake and the logic of solving such problems?
Thank you

Best Answer

There are $10$ choices for the digit that appears twice and then $9$ choices for the digit that appears once. There are $\binom{3}{1}=3$ ways to arrange the digits. This gives $10\cdot9\cdot3=270$ choices out of $1000$. That is, a $0.27$ probability.