[Math] Probability that ace of spades is at bottom of deck IF ace of hearts is NOT at top


What is the probability that the ace of spades is at the bottom of a standard deck of 52 cards given that the ace of hearts is not at the top?

I asked my older brother, and he said it should be $\frac{50}{51} \cdot \frac{1}{51}$ because that's $$\mathbb{P}(A\heartsuit \text{ not at top}) \times \mathbb{P}(A\spadesuit \text{ at bottom}),$$ but I'm not sure if I agree. Shouldn't the $\frac{50}{51}$ be $\frac{50}{52}$?

Thanks you!

Best Answer

The conditional probability is a quotient,

P(AS at bottom and AH not at top)/P(AH not at top).

(Here AS and AH are the ace of spades and ace of hearts respectively.)

The numerator here is equal to

P(AS at bottom) - P(AS at bottom and AH at top)

and you can rewrite the second term as

P(AS at bottom) - P(AS at bottom) P(AH at top | AS at bottom)

and now put in numbers to get

$1/52 - (1/52)(1/51) = (50/51)(1/52)$

The denominator of the original quotient is P(AH not at top) or $51/52$, so the answer is

$$ {(50/51)(1/52) \over (51/52)} = {50 \over 51^2} $$

which agrees with your brother's answer.