[Math] Probability that a circle formed in a unit square contains the square’s center.


From a Goldman Sachs Quant. position test.

Two points are chosen randomly in a unit square. What is the probability that the circle formed using the diameter of the 2 points contains the square's center?

Best Answer

Let $X$ and $Y$ denote the randomly drawn points. If $O$ denotes the center of the square, the event of interest occurs iff $\angle XOY$ is not acute. Now draw the line orthogonal to $OX$ at $O$. We want the probability that $X$ and $Y$ don't fall on the same side of this line. Given $X$, the conditional probability is $\frac{1}{2}$ because the line of interest cuts the area of the square in half and $Y$ is drawn uniformly at random from the square and independent of $X$. Taking average (i.e., expectation) with respect to $X$ we deduce that the probability is $\frac{1}{2}$.