Probability – Probability that 5 Squares Lie Along a Diagonal Line


If $5$ squares are chosen at random from a chess board, what is the probability that they lie on a diagonal line?

Best Answer


  1. There are $64$ squares altogether; how many ways are there to choose $5$ of them?

  2. There are $15$ diagonals in each direction, but only $7$ of them are long enough to contain $5$ squares. Specifically, in each direction there are two diagonals of length $5$, two of length $6$, two of length $7$, and one of length $8$. How many $5$-element subsets are there of each of these diagonals?

The total in (2) is the number of sets of $5$ squares that lie on a diagonal. The total in (1) is the total number of sets of $5$ squares. Combine these two numbers to get the desired probability.

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