[Math] Probability: student passing an exam by randomly guessing (no calculator)


Assuming you can't use a calculator, how do you estimate the answer to the following problem?

Suppose an exam has 40 questions, all multiple choice. Each question has 5 choices and you need 20 correct answers to pass. You decided to randomly guess all the answers. What's the probability that you'll pass the exam?

Best Answer

I would say, will determine the use of the central limit theorem (using tables of the normal probability distribution - approximation to the binomial distribution Bin(n,p) = Bin(40,0.2) normal distribution $N(\mu,\sigma)=N(n*p,\sqrt{np(1-p)}=N(40\cdot 0.2,\sqrt{40 \cdot 0.2 (1-0.2)}$).

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