[Math] Probability regarding getting a full house


I am trying to calculate the probability of getting a full house on a standard 5-card deal.

I am comfortable with how combinations, permutations and the fundamental principle of counting, but I am not sure how this problem works.

I understand that we need to avoid situations such as having a 4 of a kind or a flush, so can someone help me out ?

I would deeply appreciate it if you could give me another example like this as well.

Best Answer

You'll need to count how many different combinations of cards will result in a full house.

There are $13 \times 12$ ways to choose the particular two values of the cards that will make up your hand (i.e. kings over eights).

For each of these combinations, there are $_{4} C_{3} = 4$ combinations for the three of a kind, and $_{4} C_{2} = 6$ combinations for the pair.

Overall, there are $_{52} C_{5} = 2598960$ card combinations.

Hence the probability is $$\frac{13 \times 12 \times 4 \times 6}{2598960} \approx 0.00144.$$

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