[Math] Probability question involiving using negative binomial


An expert sharpshooter misses a target 10 percent of the time.

  1. What is the probability that she misses the target for the $2$nd time in her $10$th shot?
  2. What is the probability that her $2$nd miss comes no later than her $10$th shot?

I'm fairly certain that these questions require the use of negative binomial distribution formulas. Anyway,

  1. so I've calculated (1.) and I believe it's $P(X=10)=0.0387$.
  2. As for (2.) I have no idea how to calculate $P(X \leq 10)$. I know I could add $$P(X=1) + P(X=2)+\dots + P(X=10)$$ but there has to be another way.

Best Answer

You can use the binomial distribution instead with parameters $n=10$ and $p=10\%$. Specifically, the number of misses $Y$ in the first $n=10$ shots is binomially distributed with parameters $n=10$ and $p$ as above, i.e. $p=10\%$. Then the probability that the second miss comes no later than the $10$-th shot is equal to the probability that there are at least two misses in the first $10$ shots. Hence you want to calculate \begin{align}P(Y\ge 2)&=1-P(Y<2)\\[0.2cm]&=1-P(Y=0)-P(Y=1)\\[0.2cm]&=1-\dbinom{10}{0}(0.10)^0(1-0.10)^{10}-\dbinom{10}{1}(0.10)^1(1-0.10)^{10-1}\end{align}