[Math] Probability Question: Box and Balls: Please solve


A box contains 100 balls, of which r are red. Suppose that the balls are drawn from the box one at a time, at random, without replacement. Determine (a) the probability that the first ball drawn will be red; (b)the probability that the 50th ball drawn will be red; and(c)the probability that the last ball drawn will be red.

Please solve it.
Thank you.

Best Answer

There are $$\binom{100}{r}$$ sequences of length $100$ consisting of $r$ red balls and $100-r$ non-red balls.

The number of sequences in which the first ball is red is $\binom{99}{r-1}$. The number of sequences in which the 50-th ball is red is $\binom{99}{r-1}$. The number of sequences in which the 100-th ball is red is $\binom{99}{r-1}$.

In fact, for any $i \in \{1,2,\ldots,100\}$, the number of sequences in which the $i$-th ball is red is $\binom{99}{r-1}$.

Hence, for any $i \in \{1,2,\ldots,100\}$, the probability that the $i$-th ball is red is $$\frac{\binom{99}{r-1}}{\binom{100}{r}}=\frac{r}{100}.$$