[Math] Probability question (2 conditions)


Female smokers – 20
Male smokers – 40
Total smokers – 60

Non-smoking females – 70
Non-smoking males – 70
Total non-smokers – 140

Total females – 90
Total males – 110
Total – 200

If two people from the survey are selected at random, calculate the probability that
A. both of them are non-smoking females.
B. one is a smoker and the other is a non-smoker.

For A and B, I'm getting near values of the answer.
A: I tried 70/200 * 70/200 to get .125, but the answer is approximately .121

B: I tried multiplying 140/200 * 60/200 + 140/200 * 60/200 to get .42, but the answer is approximately .422

I was just wondering if I am doing something wrong here?

Best Answer

$A$- The probability is $(70/200)*(69/199)=0.121$
$B$- The probability is $(140/200)*(60/199)+(60/200)*(140/199)=0.422$
When a person is selected, the other person has to be selected from $200-1=199$ persons. This is the only thing that you are doing wrong.

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