[Math] Probability of visiting a city before another


A businesswoman in Philadelphia is preparing an itinerary for a visit to six major cities. The distance traveled, and hence the cost of the trip, will depend on the order in which she plans her route.

a) How many different itineraries (and trip costs) are possible?

b) If the businesswoman randomly selects one of the possible itineraries and Denver and San Francisco are two of the cities that she plans to visit, what is the probability that she will visit Denver before San Francisco?

I think I understand that the number of itineraries is simply 6! because there are six cities and each time we select one we have to take that into account.

But for the second part, I am not sure what to do, does it start with findingthe probability of visiting Denver and San Francisco?

Any help or hint is well appreciated, thank you in advance!

Best Answer

Hint: presumably she visits all six cities and the only question is what order. For every order that has Denver before San Francisco, the opposite order has San Francisco before Denver.

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