[Math] Probability of the Product of Dice Being Greater Than Sum


If two six sided die with the numbers $1,0,1,2,3,4$ on each of them are rolled. What is the probability that the product of the numbers on the upmost faces is greater than the sum.

I have an answer key that states the answer to this is $11/36$, but I keep getting $8/36$. What am I missing?

Best Answer

I'm also getting the answer $8/36$, the $8$ cases being:


The other answer I can see to this problem is to consider the cases where the product is greater or $\textbf{equal}$ to the sum. In this scenario, other two cases come into play:


But in this scenario the answer would be $10/36$. Anyway, I think the right thing to say is that either your answer key is wrong, or the question was misenterpreted and I'm missing one case.