[Math] Probability of team winning in a single-elimination tournament


In a tournament of football (or whatever sport you prefer), let's say we have $2^n$ teams and for all $2^{n-1}(2^n-1)$ possible matches we know the probability of one team winning against the other. The tournament is a single-elimination tournament (therefore having $n$ rounds) and the teams are to be randomly allocated for the first round. How do we go about computing the probability of team $x$ winning the tournament?

Best Answer

For each team $i$ the probability of getting into the second round is $$P_2(i)=\frac{1}{2^n-1}\sum_{j\ne i}P_v(i,j)$$ where $P_v(i,j)$ is the probability that $i$ will defeat $j$.

Similarly, the probability that $i$ will get into the round $r+1$ is $$P_{r+1}(i)=P_r(i)\frac{1}{2^{n-r+1}-1}\sum_{j\ne i}P_v(i,j)P_r(j)$$

So, all you need to do is compute $P_n(i)$ recursively.

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