[Math] probability of selecting one sub-item from multiple sub-items


A convenience store has exactly three packages of plain M&M's, two packages of peanut M&M's, one package of dark chocolate M&M's, one package of peanut butter M&M's, and one package of almond M&M's. Select two packages of candy. Calculate the probability you select exactly one package of plain M&M's, and the other package is not plain.

Best Answer

Since all the answer asks for is plain M&Ms vs not plain M&Ms, we can simplify the information to 3 packages of plain and 5 packages of not plain.

Now the number of ways we can choose 1 plain package from 3 possibilities is $3\choose1$ and the number of ways to choose 1 not plain package from 5 possibilities is $5\choose1$.

From this, we find that the number of ways to choose one plain package and one not plain package is $${3\choose1} {5\choose1} = 15$$

Now, the total number of ways to choose 2 packages from 8 possibilities is $${8\choose2} = 28$$ so the probability of picking the desired set of packages is $\frac{15}{28}$.