[Math] Probability of rolling 1-8 using six-sided dice


If I roll two six-sided dice where the first die is valued simply 1-6, but the second die is valued as 1-2=0, 3-4=1, and 5-6=2, and I total the two dice, will the probability of the numbers 1-8 be evenly distributed? If not what are the probabilities of the numbers 1-8. Assume the dice are fair. Intuitively, I think the chances will be evenly distributed – or close to even – but, I don't know how to do the math to prove it either way.

Best Answer

You have an unbiased six-sided die and an unbiased three-sided die, so are drawing pairs uniformly distributed on $\{1,2,3,4,5,6\}\times\{0,1,2\}$.

$$\mathsf P(X+Y=1) ~=~ \mathsf P((X,Y)\in\{(1,0)\qquad\;\;\,\qquad\;\;\,\})~=~ 1/18 \\\mathsf P(X+Y=2) ~=~ \mathsf P((X,Y)\in\{(2,0),(1,1)\qquad\;\;\,\})~=~ 2/18 \\\mathsf P(X+Y=3) ~=~ \mathsf P((X,Y)\in\{(3,0),(2,1),(1,2)\})~=~ 3/18 \\\mathsf P(X+Y=4) ~=~ \mathsf P((X,Y)\in\{(4,0),(3,1),(2,2)\})~=~ 3/18 \\\mathsf P(X+Y=5) ~=~ \mathsf P((X,Y)\in\{(5,0),(4,1),(3,2)\})~=~ 3/18 \\\mathsf P(X+Y=6) ~=~ \mathsf P((X,Y)\in\{(6,0),(5,1),(4,2)\})~=~ 3/18 \\\mathsf P(X+Y=7) ~=~ \mathsf P((X,Y)\in\{\qquad\;\;\,(6,1),(5,2)\})~=~ 2/18 \\\mathsf P(X+Y=8) ~=~ \mathsf P((X,Y)\in\{\qquad\;\;\,\qquad\;\;\,(6,2)\})~=~ 1/18 \\$$