[Math] Probability of picking some color combinations of socks


A box contains $3$ yellow socks, $4$ blue socks, $1$ orange sock, and $2$ green socks. What is the probability of picking $2$ blue socks at the same time? What is the probability of picking $1$ green and $1$ blue sock at the same time?

I was thinking it is:
$\large\frac{4}{10} \cdot \frac39$ for the $1^{st}$ question,

$\large\frac{2}{10} \cdot \frac49$ for the $2^{nd}$ question.

Best Answer

Considering the fact that you picking the socks at the same time, the solution is as follow,

$1^{st}$ question, $$P_1=\frac{\binom{4}{2}}{\binom{10}{2}}=\frac{6}{45}=\frac{2}{15}$$

$2^{nd}$ question, $$P_2=\frac{\binom{4}{1}\binom{2}{1}}{\binom{10}{2}}=\frac{4\times2}{45}=\frac{8}{45}$$