[Math] Probability of picking 3 different colors from 56 Skittles


Suppose that you have a bag full of Skittles. In the bag are exactly 12 red Skittles, 16 orange Skittles, 10 yellow Skittles, and 18 green Skittles. If you reach into the bag and select three Skittles at random, what's the probability that the three Skittles will be of three different colors?

If I picked a red skittle the first time, the probability would be (12/56)(44/55)(???/54) How can I account for the fact that I can choose 1 of 3 colors for the second skittle? That would change the number of skittles I can choose for the third skittle.

Best Answer

I apologize for my previous answer...I didn't read the problem carefully.

Let's focus on the number of ways we can pick 3 skittles such that they are all the different. Let's first look at the number of ways to pick a red, orange, and yellow skittle. There are $12$ red skittles, $16$ orange skittles, and $10$ yellow skittles so there are $12 \cdot 16 \cdot 10$ different ways of picking a red, orange, and yellow skittle.

To get the total number of ways to pick 3 skittles of different colors, just consider all the ways to pick $3$ colors out of $4$ and find the number of ways for each color combination. Doing this, we get a total of $$12 \cdot 16 \cdot 10 + 12\cdot 16 \cdot 18 + 16 \cdot 10 \cdot 18+12\cdot 10 \cdot 18$$ ways to pick $3$ skittles all of different colors.

Since there are ${12+16+10+18 \choose 3}$ ways to pick $3$ skittles in general, the probability is,

$$\frac{12 \cdot 16 \cdot 10 + 12\cdot 16 \cdot 18 + 16 \cdot 10 \cdot 18+12\cdot 10 \cdot 18}{{12+16+10+18 \choose 3}}$$