[Math] Probability of Number of customers arriving at an ATM

probabilityprobability distributions

The number of customers arriving at an ATM is in accordance with the Poisson distribution, with a mean rate of 1 customer in every 10 mins. What is the probability that there will be atleast 2 customers in half an hour??

Acc. to Poisson distribution,
Is this the correct way, then how to calculate for 30 mins????

Best Answer

What you have is a time homogenous Poisson process with intensity $\lambda=1/10$, minutes scale. It says that the number of event in the interval $[t,t+T]$ is distributed as a Poisson RV with intensity $T\lambda$. So in your case, you find

$$ P(N\geq2)=1-P(N=0)-P(N=1)=1-\frac{e^{-\frac{30}{10}}(30/10)^0}{0!}-\frac{e^{-\frac{30}{10}}(30/10)^1}{1!}=1-4e^{-3} $$

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