[Math] Probability of getting exactly 5 heads in 10 flips of an unfair coin with 0.7 chance of tails


If a coin has a $0.7$ chance of landing tails. What is the probability of getting EXACTLY $5$ heads in $10$ flips?

I know that the probability is $\frac{63}{256}$ if the coin is fair but I cannot work out how to do this problem. This is all i have so far:
\frac{(10!)}{2^{10}\cdot 5!\cdot5!} = \frac{252}{1024} = \frac{63}{256}

Best Answer

The number of ways you can arrange five heads and five tails (first toss to last) is $_{10}C_{5}$.

The probability of getting five of each, in one particular order (say all tails, then all heads), is $0.3^50.7^5$.

Can you take it from here?

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