[Math] Probability of getting a specific hand in Hearthstone (Online Card Game)


For the sake of learning, I am trying to understand how to calculate the odds of getting a winning combination of cards within a online card game (Hearthstone, for you Blizzard fans out there). My knowledge of statistics & statistics notation is minimal, but I am hoping to use this an an opportunity to expand my horizons a bit.

Here's the problem: Let's say that I have a winning hand combination if I am able to have 3 specific cards by turn 3 in the game. Let's call them Card A, Card B, & Card C. The goal is to calculate the odds of starting my 3rd with one copy of A, B, and C in my hand.

Here are some of the parameters:

  1. I have a total of 30 cards in my deck.
  2. Within the deck, I have 2 copies of A, 2 copies of B, and only 1 copy of C.
  3. I start the game by drawing 8 cards (In the game, I actually draw 4 and then
    can return & redraw any unwanted cards, but I don't want to muddy
    the water too much).
  4. At the beginning of each turn, I draw 1

What are the odds of my getting the "winning hand"? Can guide me where to learn more about the method that you use to answer the problem?

Best Answer

The winning combinations are ABC, AABC, ABBC, AABBC, where the unshown cards are among the other $25$. This gives ${2 \choose 1}{2 \choose 1}{25 \choose 8}+2{2 \choose 1}{25 \choose 7}+{25 \choose 6}=6426200$. Dividing by ${30 \choose 11}$ gives about $11.76\%$

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