[Math] Probability of first player rolling double six first


A high school university entrance examination question:

Players A and B take turns in throwing two dice. The winner is the first player to throw a double six. Player A starts the Game.

  1. Find the probability that Player A wins on the first throw. Attempt: Obviously 1/36.

  2. What is the probability that Player A wins on the first or second throw? Attempt: Probability of win on the second throw is 35/36 times 1/6. Probability of win on first or second throw is therefore the sum of (i) and (ii), or 1/6(1+35/36).

  3. Find the probability that Player A eventually wins the game. Attempt: I tried a geometrical progression using 35/36 as the common ratio, but am stuck. Can you give me a prompt?

Best Answer

You can solve this recursively. Noting that after A and B both didn't throw double six the game basically restarts, you get

$p={1\over 36} + {35 \over 36}{35 \over 36}p$.

Thus $p = \frac{{1\over 36}}{1-{35 \over 36}{35 \over 36}}= {36 \over 71}.$

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