[Math] Probability of drawing an Ace: before and after


this is my first question on the website.

When I took probability, one of the first questions in my textbook was this:

What is the probability of drawing an ace in a standard 52-card deck?

That one was pretty easy, thankfully. The next one threw me for a loop…

Take the top card away from the deck. What is the probability of drawing an ace?

And the answer was the same as the first one! I can't remember how my professor explained it, but I feel the intuition at least. All one card removals are equally likely: it's almost like still having the original 52 cards. But I'm still bothered. "The question is how to understand this."

Hope someone can help.

Best Answer

One way to think about it is that you are drawing the second card of a standard 52 card deck. Shouldn't that one have the same probability to be an ace as the first one?

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