[Math] Probability of drawing 13-card hand from a deck of cards without any spades


Suppose a player draws 13 cards from a deck. What is the probability that their hand does not contain any spades?

I've found out that the answer might be easier than my initial approach:

There are ${52}\choose{13}$ ways of picking a hand from the deck, ${39}\choose{13}$ of which are without any spades. That leaves for a total probability of ${39}\choose{13}$$/$${52}\choose{13}$ $= 0.0127\dots$ though I'm not certain on this.

My initial approach was:

The chance of drawing a non-spade card is at first $\frac{39}{52}$, and for the second card it's $\frac{38}{51}$ and so on. This gives a total probability of $\frac{39\times38\times\dots \times 27}{52\times51\times\dots\times40}=0.0127\dots$

Are both of these methods correct?

Best Answer

They're both correct because they're equivalent

$$\frac{39\choose13}{52\choose13}=\frac{{39\choose13}\cdot13!}{{52\choose13 }\cdot13!}=\frac{39\cdot38\cdot{\dots}\cdot27}{52\cdot51\cdot{\dots}\cdot40}.$$

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