[Math] Probability of different people being born on the same day of the week


What is the chance that at least two people were born on the same day of the week if there are 3 people in the room?

I know how to get the answer which is 19/49 when considering all 3 people not being born on the same day. However, when I try to calculate the answer directly I seem to get it wrong.

Considering exactly 2 people being born on the same day I get 1*1/7*6/7. And then, exactly 3 people is 1*1/7*1/7. Thus, the total is 6/49 + 1/49 = 7/49. This must be something fairly simple, but I was just wondering where I'm going wrong.


Best Answer

The only mistake you have committed is that you have not included the combinations while calculation of 2 were born on the same day If you name the persons A, B ,C Since the two of them may be A B, B C, C A Therefore you must also multiply it by a factor of 3