[Math] Probability of a train and a bus will meet


Would you explain the answer of the question in terms of independent events or other basic concepts in probability?

(Q) A train and a bus arrive at the station at random between 9 am and 10 am. The train stops for 10 minutes and the bus for x minutes. Find x so that the probability that the bus and the train will meet equals 0.5.

Many thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Let the bus arrive at $B$ minutes after $9$ am, let the tram arrive at $T$ minutes after $9$ am.

Then the event $\left\{ T-10\leq B<T\right\} \cup\left\{ B-x<T\leq B\right\} $ stands for a 'meeting'. This is a union of two disjoint sets and to be calculated is $P\left\{ T-10\leq B<T\right\} +P\left\{ B-x<T\leq B\right\} $. This on base of a uniform distribution for $\left(B,V\right)$ on $\left[0,60\right]^{2}$.

This comes to calculation of $\frac{1}{3600}\int_{0}^{60}\int_{0}^{60}\left[t-10\leq b<t\right]dbdt+\frac{1}{3600}\int_{0}^{60}\int_{0}^{60}\left[b-x\leq t<b\right]dbdt$ where $\left[t-10\leq b<t\right]=1$ if $t-10\leq b<t$ and $\left[t-10\leq b<t\right]=0$ otherwise and likewise for function$\left[b-x\leq t<b\right]$ . This results in an expression $u\left(x\right)$ in $x$. To be solved is the equation $u\left(x\right)=0.5$.

Can you take it from here?


To put some light on the mentioned integrals:

$\int_{0}^{60}\int_{0}^{60}\left[t-10\leq b<t\right]dbdt=\int_{0}^{10}\int_{0}^{t}dbdt+\int_{10}^{60}\int_{t-10}^{t}dbdt$

If $x\leq 60$ then:

$\int_{0}^{60}\int_{0}^{60}\left[b-x\leq t<b\right]dtdb=\int_{0}^{x}\int_{0}^{b}dtdb+\int_{x}^{60}\int_{b-x}^{b}dtdb$

And if $x>60$ then:

$\int_{0}^{60}\int_{0}^{60}\left[b-x\leq t<b\right]dtdb=\int_{0}^{60}\int_{0}^{b}dtdb$

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