[Math] Probability of a particular event happening after infinite attempts


I need to ask , how do u calculate the probability of a particular event will happen after infinite attempts ( at least once )

$Q.1$ Suppose I have an event with probabitlty $p$ , what is the probability that it will happen at least once .

$Q. 2$ Suppose I have an event raining .. and the probability that it rains is given by $p(n)$ for nth day .. I need to calculate the event apocalypse . apocalype happens if it rains on all days (:p) . So if I take my time period to be infinity . what is the probability that an apocalypse will happen ( wont say at least once , because if apocalypse happens .. there wont be a second time )

and of course range of $1<=n<=365$ ( no leap years )

eg. For $Q. 2$ let $p(n)=0.5$ for all days . the probability of the event apocalypse also remains $P=0.5$ instead of $P=0.5^{365}$

edit: I don't want it to rain for eternity , I just want it rain for 365 days in one calender year , once in eternity

Best Answer

The probability that the event takes place exactly one time during an infinite sequence of independent experiments is already $1$:

$$P("\text{the number of successes is exactly one}")=p+(1-p)p+(1-p)^2p+\cdots=$$ $$=p\frac{1}{1-(1-p)}=1.$$

The probability that the event takes place at least one time is larger or equal than that but smaller or equal than $1$.

As far as raining: The daily raining events are not independent. So, we cannot use this example to enlighten ourserves.