[Math] Probability : In a class of 125 students 70 passed in Mathematics , 55 in Statistics and 30 in both. Then find the proabability…


Probability : In a class of 125 students 70 passed in Mathematics , 55 in Statistics and 30 in both. Then find the probability that a student selected at random from the class has passed in only one subject .

My approach :

Let n(M) = 70 ( students passed in mathematics) ; n(S) = 55 ( students passed in Statistics) ; n(M $\cap S) = 30.$

Therefore, probability of students passed in mathematics = $\frac{70}{125}; $

Probability of students passed in statistics = = $\frac{55}{125}; $

Using $$P(M \cup S) = P(M) + P(S) – P(M \cap S)$$

$$\Rightarrow P(M \cup S) = \frac{70}{125} + \frac{55}{125} – \frac{30}{125} = \frac{19}{25}$$

But the answer is wrong ; book answer is : $\frac{13}{25}$

Please correct where I am wrong.. thanks..

Best Answer

We need $$P(M\cap \bar S)+P(\bar M\cap S)$$

Now, $$P(M\cap \bar S)=P(M\cap(U-S))=P(M)-P(M\cap S)$$