Probability – Distribution for Distances Between Random Integers

probabilityprobability distributions

Suppose I pick 'N' integers over an interval [A, B] without replacement. As a function of 'N' and the interval length, what distribution / average values should I expect for the distances between nearest-neighbors in a sorted array of the selected integers?

Edit: I apologize, an important note is that the distances between the endpoints and the nearest integers to the endpoints should also be included. This is a bit like dividing a piece of rope into (B – A + 1) segments, cutting at the locations representing the 'N' selected integers, and looking at the distribution of cut rope lengths.

Edit 2: Apparently this question is in desperate need of clarification. Extending the rope example I provided, here's exactly what I'm looking for:

Upon cutting the rope into 'N' pieces, and placing these pieces in a bag, I would very much like the probability, P(k), of randomly selecting a fragment of rope of length 'k' from this bag. Here, the probability of selecting a particular fragment of the rope is independent of its length. The function for P(k) provides what I'd like to know about the distribution of rope lengths after 'N' cuts.

Best Answer

Let $X_{(1)}, \ldots, X_{(N)}$ be the chosen integers in increasing order (the order statistics). For simplicity I'll suppose $A = 1$. Of course we must have $B \ge N$. Then I claim that all the "gaps" $X_{(j+1)} - X_{(j)}$ as well as $B+1 - X_{(N)}$ and $X_{(1)} - 0$ have expected value $(B+1)/(N+1)$.

Note that $E[X_{(1)} | X_{(2)}] = X_{(2)}/2$, because given $X_{(2)} = x$, $X_{(1)}$ is equally likely to be any of the integers 1 to $x-1$. Thus $E[X_{(1)}] = E[X_{(2)} - X_{(1)}]$. Similarly, given $X_{(j)} = x$ and $X_{(j+2)} = y$, $X_{(j+1)}$ is equally likely to be any of the integers $x+1$ to $y-1$, so $E[X_{(j+2)} - X_{(j+1)}] = E[X_{(j+1)} - X_{(j)}]$. Similarly, $E[B+1-X_{(N)}] = E[X_{(N)} - X_{(N-1)}]$. Thus all $N+1$ gaps have the same expected value, and since they add up to $B+1$ that expected value is $(B+1)/(N+1)$.

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