Probability Theory – Density of Continuous Uniform Distribution Over the Unit Circle

probabilityprobability theoryrandomuniform distribution

If we want to chose a point $(x,y)$ uniformly at random from a unit circle in a plane, why is the joint probability density of the random variable $f(x,y) = \frac{1}{\pi}$ for $x^2+y^2\leq1$? The question linked simply states this but doesn't prove it. Can someone give an explanation please?
Continuous uniform distribution over a circle with radius R

Best Answer

The area of the disk is $\pi$. We have a uniform distribution on the disk, so the probability of landing in a part of the disk with area $A$ is proportional to $A$, say $kA$. Since the probability of landing in the unit disk is $1$, we have $k\pi=1$ and therefore $k=\dfrac{1}{\pi}$. Thus the probability of landing in a part of the disk with area $A$ is $\dfrac{A}{\pi}$.

Now what function $f(x,y)$ is it that integrated over any part of the disk with area $A$ gives result $\dfrac{A}{\pi}$? The constant function $\dfrac{1}{\pi}$.