[Math] Probability Density Function- Normal distribution


The current in MA in ap iece of copper wire is known to follow a continuous distrubtion over the interval [0,25]. Write down the formula probability density f(x) of the random variable x representing the current. Calculate the mean and variance distribution and find the cumulative distribution function of F(x)

If the function is uniform on [0,25] then the cumulative density function $F(x)=\frac{x-0}{25}$

mean= E[X]=$\int_0^{25} \frac{x}{25}$

$= \frac{x^2}{50} \Big\vert_0^{25}= \frac{625}{50} = 12.5-0=12.5$

I am not sure how to calculate the variance. I missed class, so I really need some good feedback. I took a picture of tmy classmates to quiz to practice these problems and my ansers are way different according to his work:

$$f(x)=\begin{cases} \frac{1}{25} & 0 \leq x \leq 25 \\ 0 & else \end{cases}$$

If he is correct how on earth did he come up with this answer? Since the cumulative distribution function is the integral of the density would it be:

$\int_0^{x} \frac{1}{25}dt$

$\int_0^{x} \frac{t}{25}$

$\Big\vert_0^x = \frac{x}{25}$

Could someone provide info on cumulative and density functions of over normal distribution?

Best Answer

Your question is not entirely clear on whether it is stated that the current is uniformly distributed on $[0,25]$. Your title says "normal" distribution; the statement of the problem does not explicitly state it is uniform (just continuous), and then your answer assumes a uniform distribution. So I have also made the assumption that $X$ is uniform.

You already calculated the cumulative distribution function $$F_X(x) = \begin{cases} 0, & x < 0 \\ \frac{x}{25}, & 0 \le x \le 25 \\ 1, & 25 < x \end{cases}$$ and you also calculated the expectation $$ \operatorname{E}[X] = 12.5 = \mu.$$ These are correct. The variance is defined by $$\operatorname{Var}[X] = \operatorname{E}[(X-\mu)^2] = \int_{x=0}^{25} (x - 25)^2 f_X(x) \, dx,$$ where $f_X(x) = \frac{1}{25}$ is the density on $x \in [0,25]$. So what you need to calculate is $$\int_{x=0}^{25} \frac{(x - 25)^2}{25} \, dx.$$ Can you do this?

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