[Math] Probability and expected steps for two ants to meet on cube

conditional-expectationexpected valueprobability

Here I present an extension to the famous ant on a cube question:

Two ants, A and B, are placed on diametrically opposite corners of a
cube. With every step, each ants move from one vertex to an adjacent vertex (with 1/3 probability of moving along each of the joining edges). What is i) the probability that A and B collide before either
ant reaches the diametrically opposite corner; and ii) the expected
number of steps before they collide?

I fully understand how the law of iterated expectations work for a single ant reaching the diametrically opposite corner, however I am unsure of how to extend it for this case. I read in a separate question (lost the link sadly, please edit if you find it) about two players meeting on a random walk, and how characteristic functions were involved, but I did not really understand it. Could someone provide some insight? Cheers!

Edit: second part makes more sense after drawing the Markov chain, could someone prod me in the right direction for constructing the Markov chain for the first part?

Best Answer

Great question. Here is an answer for ii) but I don't know what is the best way to approach i).

In light of quarague's comment, there are only two possible situations after each time step

A) The ants are on diametrically opposite corners of the cube

B) The ants are on opposite corners of the same edge.

Denoting the expected time to collision in both cases by $E_A$ and $E_B$ respectively we get the equations

$E_A = 3/9 * (1+E_A) + 6/9 * (1 + E_B)$

$E_B = 1/9*1 + 6/9 * (1 + E_B) + 2/9 * (1 + E_A)$

just by writing out the 9 possible movements of the ants in both situations.

Now we can solve these to get $E_A$ which is the answer to your question ii.