[Math] Probability after a success


Experience has shown that the probability of passing a particular exam
if a student studies for $6$ hours or more the previous day is $0.8$, and that the probability of passing this exam is only $0.5$ if the student studies for less than $6$ hours the previous day. Seventy-five percent of students actually do study for $6$ or more hours the day before the exam.

Suppose a student is chosen at random, and the number of hours they studied the previous day is not known.

If the student passes the exam, what is the probability that they studied for $6$ or more hours the previous day?

I'm a bit confused on how to tackle this part of the question for one of my homework assignments. Any hints or help would be greatly appreciated.

I tried it out myself and got $0.828$ but I have no idea if this is correct. I basically took the probability of a student studying for $6$ or more hours $0.75$ and passing $0.8 =0.6$ and $6$ or less hours being = $0.125$. So $\frac{0.6}{0.725}\simeq0.828$?

Best Answer

Let $P$ be the event the student passes, and let $S$ be the event she studied for $6$ or more hours. We want $\Pr(S|P)$. By the usual formula for conditional probability, we have $$\Pr(S|P)=\frac{\Pr(S\cap P)}{\Pr(P)}.$$ We need to compute the two probabilities on the right.

The event $P$ can happen in two ways: (i) She studies and passes or (ii) She does not study and passes.

The probability of (i) is $(0.75)(0.8)$. The probability of (ii) is $(0.25)(0.5)$. Add to find $\Pr(P)$.

We have already computed $\Pr(S\cap P)$: it is the probability of (i).

Now you have all the required ingredients.

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