[Math] Probability a blackjack dealer will bust if you know their score and know the exact deck


If you know the exact cards left in a deck, and the score of the dealer, how can you calculate the exact probability that they will bust? The dealer behaves as follows:

If the dealer's score is less than 16, the dealer will "hit" and take another card.

If the dealer has over 17 (even a "soft" score of 17 or greater with an ace and another 6 points from the other cards) the dealer will stay.

And just for clarification, in the game of blackjack an Ace can count either as 11 points or 1 point, so if the score with 11 points is still under 21, it is called a "soft" hand, meaning if the next card would put you over 21, the ace can be counted as 1 point instead.

I am able to calculate the probability of busting on the first hit as follows:

P(\text{busts on hit } | \text{ current score, deck}) = {(\text{# cards in deck where card + score} \gt 21) \over \text{total cards in deck}}

The issue I am running into is the recursive part, where the dealer must continue to hit if their score is less than 16. For instance, if the dealer has a score of 13 to start, they could hit and receive an ace, a 2 or a 3 and they would have to hit again. So the total probability of busting on the first or second hit would be something like:

P(\text{busts on first or second hit } | \text { current score, deck}) \\= P(\text{busting on first hit}) + P(\text{less than 16 on first hit and busting on second}) \\
= {(\text{# cards in deck where card + score} \gt 21) \over \text{total cards in deck}} \\ + \sum\limits_x P(\text{getting score of x on hit}) \times P(\text{busting on next hit with score of x})

The problem seems to get even hairier when you consider that the dealer might receive several cards and still have less than 16, albeit with a low probability for most deck compositions.

Is there an elegant (or at least less awful) way to express/calculate this recursive term in this problem?

Best Answer

I don't know if this counts as an elegant solution in your book, but I think it's cute.

Let's say the "frequency state" of a deck is the number of cards of each face value remaining. A full deck, for example, has the frequency state "4 aces, 4 twos, 4 threes...," while an empty deck has the frequency state "0 aces, 0 twos, 0 threes...." There are $5^{13}$ possible frequency states. When you draw a card from a deck, the frequency state changes in a way that depends only on the face value of the card you drew.

You can turn the set of possible frequency states into a directed graph by drawing an arrow for each way the frequency state can change when you draw a card. I'll call this graph the "draw graph." Each vertex in the draw graph has at most 13 edges leaving it, one for each type of card you could draw.

You can turn the draw graph into a weighted directed graph by assuming that cards are drawn uniformly at random, and weighting each arrow by the probability of that kind of draw. The full-deck state, for example, has 13 arrows leaving it, each with weight $\tfrac{1}{13}$. If you draw a queen, you end up in a state that still has 13 arrows leaving it, but 12 of them have weight $\tfrac{4}{51}$, and one—the arrow for drawing another queen—has weight $\tfrac{3}{51}$. The weights of the arrows leaving each state add up to one, so the draw graph is a Markov chain.

Let's say the draw has been passed to the dealer. We know the dealer's hand and the frequency state of the deck. Here's a cool fact: from now on, we can figure out the dealer's hand just by looking at the frequency state of the deck. That's because, when the dealer starts hitting, all the cards she draws from the deck end up in her hand. Using this fact, we can translate properties of the dealer's hand, like whether it's bust, into properties of the frequency state.

Let's record this information on the draw graph by labeling its vetrtices. We'll label the states where the dealer stays as "stay states," the states where the dealer is bust as "bust states," and the states where the dealer keeps hitting as "hit states." When the dealer is hitting, she's walking randomly along the draw graph, with her direction from each state chosen using the arrow weights as probabilities. She keeps walking until she reaches a stay state or a bust state.

The dealer has to eventually stay or go bust, so the process we just described is an absorbing Markov chain. Like most things in graph theory, absorbing Markov chains have a very pretty linear algebraic description in terms of the adjacency map of the transition graph. If you know how this works, I can describe very quickly how to calculate the bust probability.

Cribbing from Wikipedia, let $Q$ be the map describing transitions from hit states to hit states, and let $R$ be the map describing transitions from hit states to stay and bust states. Let $\pi$ be the vector corresponding to the initial state, and let $\Pi$ be the projection map onto the subspace spanned by the bust states. The bust probability is the sum of the entries of the vector $$\Pi R (1 - Q)^{-1}\pi.$$ The $(1 - Q)^{-1}$ factor describes the part of the process where the dealer hits over and over, so I think it encapsulates the tricky "recursive bit" of the computation.

(Caution: my operators are the transposes of Wikipedia's, which is why the formula looks backwards.)

I think this question is related to a broader question that I ask myself all the time in research: what does it mean to have a "nice solution" to a problem? When I was young, I was taught that a "nice solution" is a formula for the thing you want to calculate, but that's not always true! Having a forumla for something often tells you very little about it, and other descriptions are often much more useful from a practical point of view.

I'm not sure whether the description of the bust probability given above is much use, but for this problem, I suspect that a linear algebraic description of this kind will be more useful than a formula.

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