Elementary Number Theory – Prime Arithmetic Progression with Fixed Element

elementary-number-theoryprime numbers

For each prime $p$, we can consider the set of arithmetic progression made of primes that include $p$: $A_p=\{\{a_i\}_{i=1}^k \mid \text{$\{a_i\}_{i=1}^k$ is an arithmetic progression, each $a_i$ is a prime, and $p=a_j$ for some $j$}\}$. Since there is no infinite arithmetic progression of primes (since for $a+nb$, $a \mid (a+na)$) we have a particular sequence in $A_p$ that is the longest among sequences in $A_p$. We may call its length $\alpha(p)$. Has this function been studied? Or does it have trivial explicit values?

Best Answer

I'll assume you are considering only positive primes. If a prime progression (of length $>1$) contains $p$, then the common difference cannot be divisible by $p$. This gives an a priori upper bound of $2p-1$ on the length of the progression.

One can sharpen this to an upper bound of $p$ by balancing the fact that the common difference can't be large (else there is no room before $p$) against the fact that it must be divisible by many small primes (else it cannot go much further than $p$).

So there is an upper bound of $\alpha(p)\le p$. This is generally believed to be best possible since the standard conjectures (e.g. Schinzel's Hypothesis H) would imply that $\alpha(p)=p$. On the other hand, lower bounds are very hard to come by. We do not even know, for instance, that $\alpha(p) > 2$ for all odd primes $p$ (however it is known to be true for the vast majority of primes by Montgomery and Vaughan's work on the exceptional set of Goldbach's conjecture).

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