[Math] Prerequisite to start learning Topological K-Theory


Wanted to start learning K-theory to see if it is suitable for a undergraduate thesis (from an algebraic-topological view).
For reference, I only know Hatcher's book (mostly because I've read his book about algebraic-topology)
But I wanted to know what are the necessary prerequisite to achieve a good level of understanding of the subject. I've had courses in algebraic topology, commutative algebra, group theory… All of them at undergraduate level

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

I did pretty much what you're proposing when I was an undergrad, and with precisely that level of background. I had not taken differential geometry at that point, so it's not totally necessary; however, I do think that I could have used a little more exposure to geometric ideas, since Atiyah's book (said to be excellent) was entirely lost on me for this reason.