Mathematics Olympiad – How to Prepare for Mathematics Olympiad


I am preparing for Mathematics Olympiad , can any one suggest me some books to prepare for olympiad ? The topics that usually come up involve:

  • congruence modulo $n$,
  • inequalities ,
  • number system, elementary number theory, etc.

Please help me!



Best Answer

I'd recommend that you visit the Art of Problem Solving's (AoPS) website: I've linked you to their "resource" page with articles you can download (they are freely accessible.) The website is a "hub" for very motivated students of mathematics, many of whom engage in competition math. The site hosts mathematics resources, curricula, on-line forums, and a "bookstore". So feel free to explore the vast site.

Given the topics you specifically mention, I'll link you to some pdf notes on Number Theory; it's about 40-some odd pages, covering the topics you mention, and more. I'll also link you to a pdf entitled Olympiad Number Theory: an Abstract Perspective. You'll find at least two (freely accessible) notes in pdf on inequalities available for downloading, at the linked page at the top. Here's one of those: Inequalities.


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