[Math] predicates & quantifiers


How to express these in terms of predicates & quantifiers :

  • Some properties are tautologies
  • The negation of a contradiction is a tautology
  • The dis junction of two contingencies can be a tautology.
  • The conjunction of two tautologies is a tautology.

I could find the answer from the answer key in this sequence as:

  • $\exists xT(x)$
  • $\forall x(C(x)\rightarrow T(\neg x)) $
  • $\exists x\exists y(\neg T(x)\wedge \neg C(x) \wedge \neg T(y) \wedge \neg C(y) \wedge T(x\vee y)) $
  • $\forall x\forall y((T(x) \wedge T(y)) \rightarrow T(x\wedge y))$

From Rosen 5th edition

And not at all able to know how did he arrive at this answer

Can anyone help ? !!

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

The variables stand for properties (or propositions). The predicate $T$ is for tautologies, i.e., $T(x)$ means that the property $x$ is a tautology. $C(x)$ means that $x$ is a contradiction.

Now things should be rather straight forward:
$\exists x T(x)$ means "there is a property $x$ such that $x$ is a tautology".

The second line is "for all propositions $x$ such that $x$ is a contradiction, the negation $\neg x$ is a tautology".

The third line is more interesting. I believe the last $\wedge$ should be $\vee$ for disjunction. Then the line can be explained as follows:

What is a contingency? A property that is neither a tautology nor a contradiction. So this line says "there are $x$ and $y$ such that $x$ and $y$ are contingencies and $x\vee y$ is a tautology".

The last line also has a typo, I think. The comma between $x$ and $y$ should be $\wedge$.