Probability Theory – Precise Definition of the Support of a Random Variable

probabilityprobability distributionsprobability theory

$\newcommand{\F}{\mathcal{F}} \newcommand{\powset}[1]{\mathcal{P}(#1)}$
I am reading lecture notes which contradict my understanding of random variables. Suppose we have a probability space $(\Omega, \mathcal{F}, Pr)$, where

  • $\Omega$ is the set of outcomes

  • $\F \subseteq \powset{\Omega}$ is the collection of events, a $\sigma$-algebra

  • $\Pr:\Omega\to[0,1]$ is the mapping outcomes to their probabilities.

If we take the standard definition of a random variable $X$, it is actually a function from the sample space to real values, i.e. $X:\Omega \to \mathbb{R}$.

What now confuses me is the precise definition of the term support.

According to Wikipedia:

the support of a function is the set of points where the function is
not zero valued.

Now, applying this definition to our random variable $X$, these lectures notes say:

Random Variables – A random variable is a real valued function defined
on the sample space of an experiment. Associated with each random
variable is a probability density function (pdf) for the random
variable. The sample space is also called the support of a random

I am not entirely convinced with the line the sample space is also callled the support of a random variable.

Why would $\Omega$ be the support of $X$? What if the random variable $X$ so happened to map some element $\omega \in \Omega$ to the real number $0$, then that element would not be in the support?

What is even more confusing is, when we talk about support, do we mean that of $X$ or that of the distribution function $\Pr$?

This answer says that:

It is more accurate to speak of the support of the distribution than
that of the support of the random variable.

Do we interpret the support to be

  • the set of outcomes in $\Omega$ which have a non-zero probability,
  • the set of values that $X$ can take with non-zero probability?

I think being precise is important, although my literature does not seem very rigorous.

Best Answer

I am not entirely convinced with the line the sample space is also called the support of a random variable

That looks quite wrong to me.

What is even more confusing is, when we talk about support, do we mean that of $X$ or that of the distribution function $Pr$?

In rather informal terms, the "support" of a random variable $X$ is defined as the support (in the function sense) of the density function $f_X(x)$.

I say, in rather informal terms, because the density function is a quite intuitive and practical concept for dealing with probabilities, but no so much when speaking of probability in general and formal terms. For one thing, it's not a proper function for "discrete distributions" (again, a practical but loose concept).

In more formal/strict terms, the comment of Stefan fits the bill.

Do we interpret the support to be

- the set of outcomes in Ω which have a non-zero probability,
- the set of values that X can take with non-zero probability?

Neither, actually. Consider a random variable that has a uniform density in $[0,1]$, with $\Omega = \mathbb{R}$. Then the support is the full interval $[0,1]$ - which is a subset of $\Omega$. But, then, of course, say $x=1/2$ belongs to the support. But the probability that $X$ takes this value is zero.