Pre-Compactness and Total Boundedness in General Topology


From Wikipedia:

A metric space is called pre-compact or totally bounded if any
sequence has a Cauchy subsequence; this can be generalised to uniform

Alternatively, pre-compactness and total boundedness can be defined differently for a uniform space (note that a metric space is a uniform space):

Pre-compact subspace is a subset whose closure is compact.

A subset $S$ of a uniform space $X$ is totally bounded if and
only if, given any entourage $E$ in $X$, there exists a finite cover
of $S$ by subsets of $X$ each of whose Cartesian squares is a subset
of $E$.

Let me call a uniform space to be Cauchy sequential compact, if any
sequence in it has a Cauchy subsequence.

I was wondering if

  • For a metric space, pre-compactness, total boundedness and Cauchy
    sequential compactness are all equivalent?
  • Same question for a uniform space?


  • Pre-compactness in the first quote is defined differently from the
    one in the second quote. So now my question is narrowed down to
    whether total boundedness and Cauchy sequential compactness are
    equivalent in both metric spaces and uniform spaces.

  • Pete's reply says yes for metric spaces, and now what can we say
    about uniform spaces?

Thanks and regards!

Best Answer

It’s a straightforward result that a uniform space $X$ is totally bounded iff every net in $X$ has a Cauchy subnet, and the usual equivalence between nets and filters shows that this is in turn equivalent to the statement that for each filter in $X$ there is a finer Cauchy filter. However, this does not guarantee that every sequence has a Cauchy subsequence. One counterexample is $\beta\omega$: it’s a compact Hausdorff space, so it has a unique compatible uniformity and is both complete and totally bounded in that uniformity, but the sequence $\langle n:n\in\omega\rangle$ has no convergent subsequence.

I’ve not worked much with uniform spaces, but in that context I’ve generally seen precompact used as a synonym of totally bounded. The situation with respect to the other meaning of the term is the same as in metric spaces. If $Y$ is a subspace of a complete uniform space $X$, then $\operatorname{cl}_XY$ is complete; if $Y$ is also totally bounded $-$ which is an inherent property, just as it is for metric spaces $-$ then $\operatorname{cl}_XY$ is totally bounded and therefore compact. Thus, a subset of a complete uniform space is precompact (in this other sense) iff it is totally bounded. This will not be the case in arbitrary uniform spaces, however.

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