[Math] Pre-calculus Rug Area to room area problem.


A rectangular rug is in the middle of a room and there is a uniform width of floor that shows around the rug. The dimensions of the rug are 16ft by 21ft. What would the dimensions of the room have to be to make the area of the rug equal to the area of the floor around the rug?

So i found that the area of the rug is 336ft. Do I square this value to find the area of the whole room, then subtract the area of the rug from that to find the area around the rug?

Please help asap. Thanks

Best Answer

Note you are asked for the dimensions of the room, not the area of the room. Draw a picture of the scenario. I cannot emphasize how important this is. Now assign the unknown additional room lengths to the variable $x$.

Here is one way: Put the rug in the center (does not really matter), and let $x$ be the additional floor lengths needed on all 4 sides of the rug. Now you have dimensions $16+2x$, and $21+2x$. Now take that corresponding area in terms of $x$, set it equal to two times 336, and solve for $x$. Doing it this way, your new room dimensions will be $16+2x$, by $21+2x$. Don't respond until you have drawn a picture.

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