[Math] Practical application of matrices and determinants


I have learned recently about matrices and determinants and also about the geometrical interpretations, i.e, how the matrix is used for linear transformations and how determinants tell us about area/volume changes.

My school textbooks tell me that matrices and determinants can be used to solve a system of equations, but I feel that such a vast concept would have more practical applications. My question is: what are the various ways the concept of matrices and determinants is employed in science or everyday life?

Best Answer

My first brief understanding of matrices is that they offer an elegant way to deal with data (combinatorially, sort of). A classical and really concrete example would be a discrete Markov chain (don't be frightened by its name). Say you are given the following information: if today is rainy, then tomorrow has a 0.9 probability to be rainy; if today is sunny, then tomorrow has a 0.5 probability to be rainy. Then you may organize these data into a matrix:

$$A=\begin{pmatrix} 0.9 & 0.5 \\ 0.1 & 0.5 \end{pmatrix}$$

Now if you compute $A^2=\begin{pmatrix} 0.86 & 0.7 \\ 0.14 & 0.3 \end{pmatrix}$, what do you get? 0.86 is the probability that if today is rainy then the day after tomorrow is still rainy and 0.7 is the probability that if today is sunny then the day after tomorrow is rainy. And this pattern holds for $A^n$ an arbitrary $n$.

That's the simple point: matrices are a way to calculate elegantly. In my understanding, this aligns with the spirit of mathematics. Math occurs when people try to solve practical problems. People find that if they make good definitions and use good notations, things will be a lot easier. Here comes math. And the matrix is such a good notation to make things easier.