[Math] Powers of permutation matrices.

combinatoricslinear algebramatricespermutations

Let $P$ be a permutation matrix obtained by the identity matrix by switching 2 rows $n$ times, (with no two rows switched more than one time).

How to show that
$$P^{\ n+1} = I$$?

Is it true that, since $P$ represent a permutation of colums, it's like proving that if we take a set $\{1, \dots m\}$ and have a permutation that switches two elements $n$ times, with no two elements switched more than one time, and we apply this permutation $n+1$ times, we'll return to the original set?

Best Answer


Look at the cycle lengths you produce by switching two rows: switching $12$ and then $34$ will produce two $2$-cycles. The resulting permutation will return to $I$ under power $2$ (it's still an involution).
But if you switch $12$, then $23$, then $34$ you get $2341$ and that's a $4-cycle$. It returns to $I$ under a power $4$, one higher than the number of switches.
Generally, you can produce cycle lengths $c_1, c_2,\dots, c_n $ using $(c_1+1)+(c_2+1)+\dots + (c_n + 1)$ switches.

Such matrix returns to $I$ under power $p= \lcm( c_1,c_2, \dots, c_n)$

If $\sum_{k=1}^m c_k + m < \lcm(c_1, \dots, c_m)$ then your statement is false.

Example: $(2+1)+(3+1)+(5+1) = 13$ switches but $\lcm(2,3,5)= 30$

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