[Math] Power Method for Multiple Dominant Eigenvalue

numerical linear algebranumerical methods

Suppose $A$ is a real, diagonalizable matrix with two dominant eigenvalues, say $\lambda_1 = \lambda_2 > \lambda_3 \ge \cdots \ge \lambda_n$. I want to generalize the power method to find the two distinct eigenvectors of $\lambda_1$.

If I pick an initial $x$, then I can write $x = \sum_{i=1}^n \langle x, x_i \rangle x_i$ since the eigenvectors $(x_i)_{i=1}^n$ form an orthonormal basis. It follows that
A^k x &=\sum_{i=1}^n \langle x,x_i \rangle \lambda_i^k x_i \\
&= \lambda_1^k \left[ \langle x,x_1 \rangle x_1 + \langle x,x_2 \rangle x_2 + \sum_{j=3}^n \frac{ \lambda_j^k}{\lambda_1^k} \langle x, x_j \rangle x_j \right] \\
&\approx \lambda_1^k \left[ \langle x,x_1 \rangle x_1 + \langle x, x_2 \rangle x_2 \right] \quad (\text{large } k)
So unlike the case where I have a single dominant eigenvalue, this converges to the projection of the inital vector on the eigenspace of $\lambda_1$. How can I recover $x_1$ and $x_2$ from some modification here?

Best Answer

You can not. However, you can apply the subspace iteration method which generalizes the power method. A brief description of this method can be found here


Note that the QR factorization generalizes the normalization that you would normally do for the power method. There is more than one way to accomplish such a factorization, but they are all based on the Gram Schmidt process.

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