[Math] Possible remainder when multiple of a number is divided by multiple of the same dividor


I have a couple of questions regarding which I am confused.

$1)$ What is the Greatest, Positive Integer $n$ such that $2^n$ is a factor of $12^{10}$

$(3\cdot 2^2)^{10}$ So, my guess is $n = 12$? Please correct me if this is wrong.

Now to the important question

$2)$ When the positive integer $m$ is divided by $4$, the remainder is $3$, What is the remainder when $22m$ is divided by $8$.

I have tried all possible logic that comes in my mind but i can't figure this problem out.

How can i solve this…

Best Answer

  • $12^{10}=(2^2\times3)^{10} =2^{20}\times 3^{10}$

  • $m=4k+3$ for some integer $k$ so $22m=88k+66 = 8(11k+8)+2$