Linear Algebra – Positive Definite Matrix Must Be Hermitian

hermitian-matriceslinear algebramatricespositive definite

Is there a simple way to show that a positive definite matrix must be Hermitian?

I feel there is a long drawn out proof of this to be had by taking unit vectors and applying the positive definiteness property, and brute forcing it.

But is there some simple clever proof why a positive definite matrix is necessarily Hermitian?

Best Answer

As Marvis says in the comments, the problem reduces to showing that if $V$ is a finite-dimensional complex inner product space and $A : V \to V$ an operator such that $\langle v, Av \rangle = 0$ for all $v$, then $A = 0$. Letting $v$ run across all eigenvectors of $A$, the hypothesis implies that $A$ has all eigenvalues $0$, hence is nilpotent. Suppose by contradiction that $A \neq 0$, hence there exists a vector $v_0$ such that $v_1 = A v_0$ is nonzero. We may assume WLOG that $A v_1 = 0$, hence

$$\langle v_0 + v_1, A(v_0 + v_1) \rangle = \langle v_1, v_1 \rangle \neq 0$$

which is a contradiction. Hence $A = 0$.

Note that the corresponding assertion for real inner product spaces is false; the condition $\langle v, Av \rangle = 0$ is satisfied by all skew-symmetric matrices.