[Math] Positioning three circles, all of them touching each other


There are three circles, all of them touching each other. The bottom two circles are laying on an imaginary floor, such that they touch the line g=-r as well.

Given are all three radii, r1 (A), r2 (B) and r3 (C).
Assuming circle A has its center on (0/0), B has its center on (2 sqrt(r1 * r2), r2 – r1). I am now supposed to find the coordinates of C.

Is this a know problem and has an easy/straighforward solution? I can't seem to find a nice approach.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Since you know the radii $r_1$, $r_2$, and $r_3$ and the centers $A$ and $B$, the center $C(x_c,y_c)$ must be a distance $r_1+r_3$ from $A$ and a distance $r_2+r_3$ from $B$, which gives the two equations $$x_c^2+y_c^2=(r_1+r_3)^2$$ and $$(x_c-2\sqrt{r_1r_2})^2+(y_c-(r_2-r_1))^2=(r_2+r_3)^2$$ Solving the system for $(x_c,y_c)$ should give the two possible coordinate pairs for $C$ (one as you've pictured, the other "below" the first two circles).