[Math] Polynomials with complex coefficients

complex numberspolynomials

I am reading a book called College Algebra and it defines polynomials as an expression of the form $a_nx^n + a_{n-1}x^{n-1} + …+ a_2x^2 + a_1x + a_0$ where $a_j$ are real numbers ( I'll stop the definition there). Does polynomials only have real coefficients or it can be complex numbers?

I asked this on a wrong place (Cross Validated) my bad.

Best Answer

Polynomials can also have complex coefficients. There is actually quite a bit of work related to the topic. See, for example, here or here.

An example of such a polynomial would be


The roots of the above polynomial are at $$x=0 $$ and $$ x = -\frac{2}{21} + \frac{i}{14}.$$

So, nobody hinders you to create polynomials with complex coefficients.

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