[Math] Polar transformation of a probability distribution function

polar coordinatesprobabilityprobability theorytransformation

I am working through Dirk P Kroese "Monte Carlo Methods" notes with one section based on Random Variable Generation from uniform random numbers using polar transformations (section

The polar method is based on the polar coordinate transformation $ X=R \cos \Theta$, $Y=R\sin \Theta$, where $\Theta \sim \text{U}(0,2\pi)$ and $R\sim f_R$ are independent. Using standard transformation rules it follows that the joint pdf of $X$ and $Y$ satisfies:

$$f_{X,Y}(x,y)=\cfrac{f_R(r)}{2\pi r}$$

with $r=\sqrt{x^2+y^2}$.

I don't fully understand how expression $f_{X,Y}(x,y)$ is obtained from "standard transformation rules", please help or hint.

Best Answer

Note that $P_{X,Y}(X=x \land Y=y)=P_{R,\theta}(R=\sqrt{x^2+y^2} \land \tan\theta=\frac{y}{x})$. Now since $R$ and $\theta$ are independent we have

$$f_{X,Y}(x,y)dxdy=f_R(R=r).\frac{1}{2\pi} drd\theta$$ Now since $dxdy=rdrd\theta$, we have the desired result.

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