[Math] Polar to Parametric Equation

calculusparametricplane-curvespolar coordinates

I'm struggling with this problem, I'm still only on part (a). I tried X=rcos(theta) Y=rsin(theta) but I don't think I'm doing it right.

Curve C has polar equation r=sin(${\theta}$)+cos(${\theta}$).

(a) Write parametric equations for the curve C.

\\ y=

(b) Find the slope of the tangent line to C at its point where
${\theta}$ = $\frac{\pi}{2}$.

(c) Calculate the length of the arc for 0 $\leq {\theta} \leq {\pi}$ of that
same curve C with polar equation r=sin(${\theta}$)+cos(${\theta}$).

Best Answer

You can rewrite $x=r \cos \theta$ as $r=\frac{x}{\cos\theta}$ and plug that in. You immediately get $$x=\sin\theta\cos\theta+\cos^2\theta$$ Doing the same trick for $r=\frac{y}{\sin\theta}$ gives you $$y=\sin^2\theta+\sin\theta\cos\theta$$

From here on it's not hard - the slope of the tangent is $\frac{dy/d\theta}{dx/d\theta}$

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