[Math] Polar of a point locus of the point

conic sections

I'm trying to solve this problem but can't understand what is meant by this "polar"

The question is as follows.,

"If the polar of any point with respect to the parabola $y^2=4ax$ touches the circle $y^2+x^2=4a^2$, show that the locus of the point is the curve $x^2-y^2=4a^2$

Thank you.

Best Answer

The term "polar" is standard in the study of conic sections, so it is probably defined in your class notes or textbook. Anyway, the polar of a point $P$ with respect to a conic $C$ is the line that passes through the two points where tangents from $P$ meet $C$.

There is a (pretty poor) description here.

I'll look for a better one.

This page is better, though it only deals with pole/polar of a circle.